Vichy Promo Feature

5 Ways To Embrace Positive Ageing As Opposed To Anti-Ageing

If the narrative within beauty is anything to go by, we’re all seeking ways to ‘turn back the clock’. But the reality is that our attitudes to anti-ageing are changing. We’re starting to wise up to the fact that looking younger isn’t actually realistic, nor the goal: we simply want our skin to look good and feel comfortable – and here at Refinery29 we are 100% here for it. Sign us up for healthy skin with a glowing complexion – but these are things we want at any age.
The term ‘anti-ageing’ itself has begun to take on a different meaning and our parameters of what makes ‘good’ skin is changing with it. As the conversation shifts to ‘positive ageing’, we’re realising that getting older is a privilege and we’re starting to embrace our skin at every stage of its life. Just like eating more leafy greens or improving our sleep, it’s never too late to take care of your skin and well-loved French pharmacy favourite, Vichy, makes it that bit easier. It’s time to embrace expert ageing and enjoy supporting all the changes our skin will inevitably go through.
Looking forward to taking a new approach with your skin? Click on to find out how…

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