Ask These 5 Questions Before Travelling With A Friend For The First Time

From Girl's Trip, Crossroads, to the Sex and The City movies — the "girlfriends on a vacation" storyline is a reoccurring one in pop culture. On the surface, these group adventures look pretty simple to achieve: Get a group of friends together, hit the road, and good times will ensue.
In reality, going on a vacation with your friends can be a lot more complicated than that. Sharing a room with a friend will expose you to new aspects of her personalities and habits — and you won't always see eye to eye. Travel decisions can potentially turn into a landmine that hurts your friendship, from disagreeing on where to eat breakfast to how much time it takes to get ready in the morning.
To prevent a potential falling out, you should do your due diligence and suss out the proclivities of this person you'd be seeing a lot of for the entire trip. Click ahead for five smart questions to ask yourself — and your BFFs — so you can come back from holiday stronger than ever.

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