How To Marie Kondo Your Instagram

Photographed by Beth Sacca.
If you've been holding out for a reason to Marie Kondo your life, you're in luck — it's almost time for a good old spring clean. And with an extra hour of daylight (not to mention your seasonal allergies back in full swing), there's no better time to break out the cleaning products and go to town on your flat.
But this time around, there's more to clean than just your living space. If the KonMari method has taught us anything, it's that you can give the Marie Kondo treatment to just about every aspect of your life — from your inbox to your makeup to your friendships and finances to, of course, your closet. So why shouldn't you clean up your Instagram, too? If you, like me, spend a lot of time on IG, you might benefit from a bit of social media organisation and decluttering. From your aunt's hashtags clogging your feed to those pesky ads getting in the way of your IG aesthetic, here's how to clean up your Instagram.

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