These Cooking Shortcuts Will Make Your Lockdown Meals More Bearable

Photo courtesy of The Shortcut Cook
Cooking is getting annoying at this point in the pandemic. That might be a generalisation but for many, not having the option to eat out or the budget to order in means that the act of feeding oneself day in, day out has shifted to become more of a chore than a joy.
This could just be the third lockdown, February weather and lack of human contact talking. It could also be that repetition has led to laziness, with the same few meals being made over and over and over again. On the other hand, exploring new flavours and recipes that aren't guaranteed to work can feel risky rather than exciting, as there's no guarantee of success. Plus, it's time-consuming.
But it doesn't have to be this way! With the right shortcuts (or hacks, as the internet insists on calling them), making food can be quick and, crucially, you won't sacrifice flavour. Happily, chef Rosie Reynolds knows all the shortcuts you can think of and now she's pulled them together in a cookbook.
"Chefs and kitchen professionals have always used shortcuts to create great food," writes Rosie in her introduction to The Shortcut Cook. "Home cooks have not always been allowed the same privilege and are often made to feel guilty about using certain tricks and ingredients." So embrace the cheats and secret ways of making food faster and tastier. It's your pandemic kitchen – there's no one within at least two metres to judge you for it.

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