The Best And Worst Flatmates On Film & TV

Photo: Courtesy of Netflix
Whether they're polishing off your yoghurt without asking, helping themselves to your best party dresses or letting their freeloading SO "just hang out" at your place 24/7, at its worst, living with flatmates can be a serious drag. And it's often more troublesome to get rid of them than to just grin and bear their shoddy behaviour until your lease runs its course.
At least bad flatmates provide an endless source of entertainment (who doesn't love hearing others' tales of passive-aggressive notes and raucous sex sessions?), and films and TV shows are ripe with dreadful roommates who will make you feel slightly happier about your own ghastly houseshare tales.
Here, we've chosen some of the most terrible onscreen flatmates, whose creepy, selfish and downright weird behaviour we wouldn't wish on anyone. We've also included some of the best examples, because they make us believe the perfect roomie is out there, somewhere...

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