How To Have An Adult Holiday With Your Family — Without Losing Your Mind

Illustrated by Janet Sung.
Travelling with your family can feel very different from holidaying with your friends: There's the generational gap, of course, and less room for error and spontaneity.
Now that we've become responsible adults, our parents are now relying on us — and to an extent, our savviness with technology — on everything from figuring out the exchange rate to finding the best hotel deal online. Sometimes, we need to go on another holiday just to unwind from all the chaperoning.
Since family get togethers are inherently stressful — and ones that take place in a different destination can be even more so — we've put together a few useful tips that can help prevent squabbles and tears down the line. Just remember to have a good time, be respectful to your folks, and don't miss out on any the group photo ops.

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