Money Diary: Retail Buyer On 53k Living In Bristol

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period – and we're tracking every last penny.
This week we're with a buyer working in retail in Bristol, who fits a full-time job into four days a week. She undertakes regular international travel for work and has two young children. She and her husband share responsibility for earning money, childcare and housework (for the most part...); they also rent out an annex in their house on Airbnb for some much needed extra cash, making an extra £700 a month.
Industry: Retail – Buyer
Age: 35
Location: Bristol
Salary: £53k
Paycheque amount per month: £2,968
Number of housemates: One husband, one 3-year-old and a 1-year-old
We only have a joint account so in theory I pay half of everything, as my husband and I earn practically the same. The below are the total amounts.
Monthly Expenses
Housing costs: £1,398 mortgage
Loan payments: £300. £200 per month from the credit card, £100 per month to husband’s parents
Utilities: £560 (including TV, internet, council tax and insurance)
Transportation: I have a company car and drive to work every day. Fuel is around £2 per day so roughly £62 a month.
Phone bill: £50 (for husband and me)
Savings: £100 per month into the children's ISAs
Other: Childcare £1,600. Cleaner £120
Total: £4,290, meaning my half is £2,145.