What Ivanka Did This Week: But Her Emails!

What Ivanka Did This Week is a weekly column that explores what Ivanka Trump, first daughter and adviser to President Donald Trump, does all day.

Squiggly Line
Ivanka's schedule has not been made public, so each week, we will do our best to cover the public events and forums she attends, the meetings she has with lawmakers and government officials, and her social media presence.
Welcome to an extra-special Thanksgiving edition of What Ivanka Did This Week! While we don't have a crystal ball, we can say with about 99.9% certainty that just about 24 hours from now, Ivanka will post an Instagram/Insta Story/tweet about all the things she's grateful for, probably with a photo of a turkey or her kids and an American-flag emoji. We'll update this story once that happens. In the meantime, here are all the things she's done in the run-up to the holiday.
Friday, November 16
• Ivanka often finds herself in situations where she's either the only woman or one of few. Our body language expert told us what the behaviour of the men around her reveals.
Mississippi Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith — endorsed by Ivanka — has joked about public hangings and is apparently a fan of making voting "a little more difficult" for those who lean left.
Monday, November 19
• Ivanka (conveniently) supported a rule proposed by Democrats that would allow members of Congress to wear religious headwear. Meanwhile, she's said nothing about President Trump's travel, immigration, and refugee ban on several Muslim-majority countries.
• Ivanka tweeted in support of the First Step Act, a bipartisan criminal justice reform bill that her father has promised to sign.
But her emails! This week, Ivanka was hit with a doozy: A White House review found that she's been using her private email account for White House business. A watchdog group is asking Congress to investigate ASAP.
Although their relationship is at times thorny, this Thanksgiving Ivanka is undoubtedly thankful for her dad, who called the scandal "fake news" and said it's absolutely nothing compared to Hillary Clinton's horrible email sins. "Just so you understand, early and for a little period of time, Ivanka did some emails," he told reporters on Tuesday, according to CNN. "They weren't classified like Hillary Clinton. They weren't deleted like Hillary Clinton. She wasn't doing that to hide her emails." (The emails Clinton deleted were of a personal nature.)
Thursday, November 22
• Gobble, gobble.

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