Really Useful Ideas For Saving Money On Your Wedding

photographed by Megan Madden
You're engaged – congratulations! Now all you need to do is figure out how to deal with the small matter of providing dinner and drinks for a (currently limited) number of your nearest and dearest friends and family using what minimal funds are in your typically millennial bank account.
Weddings are expensive. We know this. In fact, according to one study earlier this year, the average wedding in the UK now comes in at a mind-altering £30,335. Which, when you consider that the chances of a 25-34-year-old owning a house have "collapsed" in recent years, is bordering on downright criminal.
Luckily, the economic masterminds in our Money Diaries Facebook group (if you haven't joined yet, what are you waiting for?) have weighed in with their help on how to keep the costs of a wedding down. From planning a (free!) alcohol-buying trip to Calais to ditching the things people will be too drunk on the day to care about (thank the above booze cruise), here are some of our favourite ideas on how to spend less, and have more fun.