This Is What You Wear To Get Into Berghain

No other club in the world is so shrouded in myth as Berghain in Berlin. Every tourist wants to get in, standing in the infamous queue for hours and hours, only to later be rejected by the ruthless bouncer. While locals generally have a better chance, there are no safe bets, for it is true what they say about Berghain: it's the world's hardest door.
If you're one of the elite that has made it past Sven Marquardt and his colleagues, you will know that every second in the club is worth it. When you enter the holy halls of the former heat and power station, you can feel the singular vibe that sets Berghain apart from anything else you've ever experienced. You feel the ear-piercingly loud music with the visceral bass and it makes your heart stop for a second. Music lovers will know what I am talking about: It is the best stereo system in the world, and it touches your soul.
After you reassure yourself that your heart is indeed beating again, you see them – the people – dancing as if there's no tomorrow. Berghain allows everyone to be the way they want to be. No one is being watched or judged and this freedom is also applied to style. Whether it's a full look in black, a red lace dress or a yellow shirt, fashion here is not about trends, but self-expression.
This week our photographer Britt Tina Margaretha made her way to the cult club on a Sunday afternoon and caught people leaving the holy grail of techno, celebrating life, love and the unique Berghain experience.

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