This Woman's Wedding Dress Doubled As A Light-Up Champagne Bar

Well, this is one way to make sure the bride always has a drink in her hand. In a pic we spotted on Instagram, a woman who looks very much like a bride, in a ballgown and boho-style headband, is also wearing a hoop skirt — on top of her gown. The futuristic skirt doubles as a light-up Champagne bar, serving up flutes for anyone walking by to take. The bride (who maybe isn't a bride, but after all, this is hashtagged #fancywedding) is cheers-ing with one herself.
The caption, in Dutch, says, "Yes, this is something we all like," and we have to agree. This is multitasking at its best.

Ja dit vonden we allemaal wel leuk. #fancywedding#getrouwdevrouwen#champagne#voordathetuitdehandliep

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We have so many questions: Is that thing heavy? Is it precarious? Was she wearing it all night? Did spontaneous toasts erupt all around her? We did our darndest to try to find the source of the photo on the web, reverse-Google-searching and looking through hashtags. Unfortunately, all we currently have to work with is this photo. But it's an inspiring one — who says the bride can't bring the party with her?