Need Inspiration For Getting Up For Work? You're Not Alone

Photographed by Michael Beckert.
Happy Hump Day? Hopefully now that you've made it halfway through the week you're starting to see the weekend light at the end of the tunnel. Or something.
If you found yourself struggling to get going this morning, you're not the only one. Finding the motivation to pull through the week, day by day, can be hard. But some people piece together a process that makes doing so a little easier — and eventually even enjoyable. You just have to go through the motions until it becomes second nature. (Even if those motions involve not speaking to anyone for at least half an hour after you get up...)
Have you ever thought about which stage you're in right now?
Maybe you have a morning routine that helps you sort through where you are on that journey each day.
Sometimes your coworkers can be the best part of your job.
Maybe you're finally working at a place you've wanted to be forever.
And are getting recognition even though you haven't been there very long.
Sharing a greeting at the start of each day can be a really positive routine.
After all, you never know when you might inspire someone else.
Or get someone in the right mindset to have a great day.
Maybe you prefer to focus on yourself to get in the right mood.
You might even start to see the upside of rising a bit earlier, like getting a ton of stuff done, instead of feeling like you're always catching up.
Or, at some workplaces, getting to leave earlier and enjoy your day if you're willing to start earlier.
Another place that motivation can come from? Finding something uplifting that you enjoy doing, whether that's your job itself, or your own personal morning ritual.
This person totally gets that.
So does she.
Being excited about the fact that you make money counts, too!
After all, there are many ways to get to where you need to be.