Money Diary On Holiday: A Writer's Week In Paris, Not Writing (Much)

Money Diaries is the regular R29 series where we tackle what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. And so we ask all different kinds of women to map out their seven days in money for us.
Now, though, Money Diaries is branching out – we’re going to find out exactly what people spend on their holidays!
This week we're with a 35-year-old Irish writer of commercial fiction based in Dublin who, after royalties, speaking fees and freelance work, just about makes a living from it. She says she's terrible with money and the fact that her income is paid in sporadic, irregular instalments really doesn’t help.
This week, though, she’s realising a dream: she’s going to spend a week at the Irish Cultural Centre in Paris, a sort of youth hostel for Irish artists on the city’s Left Bank. But she’s down to the dregs of her last royalty payment and doesn’t expect the next until after she’s arrived back home. This trip is going to have to involve some serious budgeting. Just as well she won’t be doing much sightseeing, shopping or café crème-ing. After all, she’s going there to write. Right?