Money Diary: 29-Year-Old Italian Living In London On 34k

Welcome to Money Diaries, where we're tackling what might be the last taboo facing modern working women: money. We're asking a cross-section of women how they spend their hard-earned money during a seven-day period — and we're tracking every last penny.
This week we're with a 29-year-old Italian who moved to London five years ago. She was meant to stay just for a couple of months but three jobs and five houses later, she's still here and has a Canadian boyfriend and friends she considers to be her second family. She loves shopping, reading, discovering new restaurants, travelling (she has already been to five different countries this year) and is seriously addicted to many TV shows.
Industry: Retail, e-Commerce
Age: 29
Location: London
Salary: 34k
Paycheque amount per month: £2,120
Number of housemates: 4
Monthly Expenses
Housing costs: £525 for rent, I share a big ensuite room with my boyfriend in a house we share with three friends
Loan payments: None
Utilities: £80 for internet, gas, cleaner and water
Transportation: I pay as I go, ends up being around £80
Phone bill: £17
Health insurance: Covered by work
Savings: Around £100
Other: £61 for Gymbox
Total: £783