This Is What Is Holding British Women Back At Work

Photographed by Kate Anglestein.
Nearly two-thirds of working women in the UK believe their careers are being held back by some kind of bias or discrimination.
Around 40% of working women said they believe their gender is holding them back at work, while around 30% said their race is holding them back. A further 60% cited their age as an unfair barrier to career progress.
The survey was conducted by education company Pearson as part of its global survey focusing on women's career priorities. It found that nearly three-quarters of British women have concerns about finding a job that pays them enough to support themselves and their families.
Meanwhile, nearly half (49%) said they have concerns about finding a job that gives them the flexibility to care for themselves and their families.
More than four in 10 (42%) said that maintaining their mental health was their biggest workplace stressor. Nearly as many – 36% – said ongoing anxiety over financial stability was their biggest workplace stressor.
The survey also found that Gen Z women place less of a premium on having a competitive salary than other generations. Just 22% of Gen Z women said a competitive salary was the most important benefit of a job to them – around the same number who cited flexible schedules (21%) and mental health resources (22%) as the most important.
Vicki Greene of Pearson's Workforce Division said in response to the findings: "Women are taking control of their own fate, making deliberate moves to be successful – even while continuing to face both traditional and COVID-era hurdles. Despite mental health challenges, gender bias, and a pandemic, women are bravely forging ahead to seek out the opportunities they want and deserve." 
This week, the BBC has revealed that the average gender pay gap reported by UK firms in the past financial year is 10.4%. Disappointingly, this represents no improvement whatsoever from the gap reported 12 months previously.