Illustrated by Alia Penner. Photographed by Jason Rodgers.
NY Fashion Week has wrapped — and the runways are clearing, astrologically speaking, as well. After a four-week sashay through flamboyant Leo, beauty queen Venus drifts into low-key Virgo from Tuesday until October 14. We've got the "looking good" thing on lock. Now it's time to add "feeling good" to the equation. Venus in Virgo helps us radiate from the inside out by inspiring us to take better care of ourselves. Bring on the acai bowls and roasted veggies. Wednesday's new moon in Virgo also brings a wellness boost. Scout out gyms with fun classes or enjoy the cooler autumn temperature and take your workouts outdoors. Relationships will require more structure and stability with Venus in Virgo. Even if you're not into traditional labels, make sure you're both on the same page about what's actually going on.
Starting Friday, life will be powered by partnership as the sun swings into Libra, the sign of dynamic duos, until October 22. But don't go looking for an Orphan Black clone. Opposites attract during this month-long cycle and we may all experience mild shock when we realise who our missing puzzle pieces turn out to be. Twosomes of all varieties will thrive, so make it a double for business and for pleasure.

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